Monday, December 31, 2012

as the year closes

As the year 2012 comes to its end, I thought I would make one last post for the year. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has decided to do that, but I just wanted to be able to look back, and see what I was thinking about on the last day of the year.

Right now, I'm thinking about worms. I'm thinking about the fact that my house is not big enough for this, so I really hope that we can make enough money in a hurry to buy the shed that we are going to need for all of this!!! (anybody want to invest in our worm company??? LOL)
I'm also wondering how I'm going to market this stuff, package it, transport it, lots and lots of thoughts.

So far its been slow progress, but its also been a time for learning and mistakes with my little wiggly friends, but I did get to try worm poo out on my erbs that are sitting in my kitchen window. That was cool...within a day I could tell a difference. That was just cool as all get out.

OK, other than worms, what else is on the brain??? Crochet...I sold 3 crochet patterns this year. I didn't make 20 bucks, but people liked my pattern enough to buy it. That was the best feeling in the whole wide world. I am planning on designing some new stuff though. Thats coming soon. I have a baby sweater pattern to finish writing, and many plans, sketches and idea's for many more new patterns.

Weight loss...thats another thing on my brain. I'm going to be calling my doctor sometime this month to talk to him about weight loss surgery. I'm not trying to take the easy way out at all. I'm also not saying that there are no other options for me, but unfortunately my joints make it almost impossible for me to exorcise.

Dogs...I love my dogs, they are my life some days!!! They really are my children.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Things I am Grateful for

As the year is coming to an end, now is a time to sit back and really ponder and think about, and remember the people, and things that were really special for the year that's about to end.

First and foremost I am thankful for my husband Frank, who has been my rock, even if we did butt heads a time or two, but that's bound to happen.

Next I am thankful for my friend Lindsey and her husband Eric. Lindsey has been through more than any one woman should have to ever go through. Even though I know she is still hurting on the inside, she has pulled through, and kept the memory of her Children very much alive, and has been a better mother than so many women I have ever known. I know that Eric, and Lindsey held each other up, and I believe are still holding each other up, I am proud, and happy to know and have them in my life, and I hope they will stay there for a good long time. Lindsey, you inspire me.

I am thankful for my wonderful In laws, who although I don't get to see them as often as I would like, are great people. They are funny, smart, and are there for you when you need them.

I'm grateful for the goo health of my dogs, who are my companions when my hubby gets called out to work. Cuddly Sam, and sweet Jasper, and my amazing Nikki, who's miles have not ran out yet!!! Thank goodness for the last.

I'm grateful for a roof over my head, a good heat pump, canned soup, and the ability to make plans for the future. There is so much more that I can say and be thankful for, but it would take me all night to type this all out.  So, if there is something there you think I should be thankful for that I have not mentioned, just know, I am probably thankful for it, its just in my heart rather than on your computer monitor.

Monday, December 24, 2012

My day

I spent the morning in the ER, my back got so bad I had no choice at this point. They went ahead and xrayed my hips as well just to make sure. Turns out it was my sciatic nerve...but the er doctor wants me to do a follow up with the bone doctor. She was quite stressed with how bad my left hip bone looks...I'm not sure if it's getting worse, it feels like it could be, or if it was just the shock of seeing it for the first time. I'm sure that it possibly could be a shock seeing a hip bone like that on a 32 year old. I'm hoping however that with the stuff I'm on right now I'll be able to have my first full nights sleep in 5 days...I almost look like somebody beat me up with the circles under my eyes.
In the flip aside I got that quilt done.. I hope my mil loves it...I've injured myself on that quilt more than any project in the entire

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's done!!!!!

I finally got that quilt done!!! Well, mostly, I still have to do the binding, but that will be a cake walk after quilting that big ol thing on my little singer sewing machine. I'm pretty thrilled, I'll admit. I was really herring down to the wire with that thing. I do want to do more quilting projects, but I think I will keep them small dir the time being until I get better at the quilting part. I have a throw I will work on getting finished after the first of the year. It was from my quilting class. Hopefully that won't seem too hard after this. Plus I need to work in getting all of my scrap fabric cut down and sorted so I can do some of the projects out of the book my hubby bought for me. One of the ones I really want to do is the purse that's in there. It's really cute, and besides that a girl can never have too many purses...just ask my pal

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Best Part?

Remember that old Folgers Commercial? The best part of waking up, is folgers in your cup? Is it true? Well, I've drank a lot of different coffee in my coffee drinking career. Let me do a bit of a run down on some....
Maxwell House Well, its cheaper than folgers, and is in a blue can vs a its almost like coke vs pepsi, and well I'm a coke fan...and pepsi will never do for me, even in a pinch...but maxwell house will, although I find it to be a little on the bitter side. it really the best part of waking up? Well maybe, I love the smell, and the texture of the coffee grounds, and it does seem to go down smooth, and it even smells good in the cup. So I would give it an A

Chocked full o nuts...that coffee isn't too bad, a little expensive, but nothing really special. Nothing really jumps out at me when I drink that

8 o' clock coffee...that stuff is good and pricy now days, but it has a decent flavor, and kind of ranks up there with Folgers.

Kirklaind Brand the tall Maroon Can...I don't know what brand it really is, but my is some of the Best Coffee in the world. Yeah, its a little pricy, but it comes in a bigger can anyways, so it kind of makes up for it price wise...its a good rich dark coffee, with a smell that just says hey, drink me...yum

Chase and Sandbourn, that is a coffee that goes back a can mostly get it at Save-A-Lot, and its good and cheap price wise, and you know I gotta say, thats pretty good too. Not bad, not bad at all, especially if your on a budget.

Friday, December 14, 2012

No Words

There are no words for what I have been seeing on the news. There are no words to describe how those families that lost those little children are feeling, I can't even comprehend myself how somebody anybody could do such a thing. When I herd this on the news this evening, it made me pause, and hope that what I was hearing was wrong, that this just did not happen...

I have already been having a hard time getting the right feelings I need for Christmas this year, this just kills it for me. Even my mother in law doesn't want to do Christmas this year, she would rather just have a family dinner and nothing else. After today, I just want to take down my tree, and put it away for the year, and just pretend that it doesn't exist. Christ has already been fully removed from Christmas in the stores, and on the television...the commercials have been saying Christmas isn't about the giving, its about the getting...and I fear that the children that are seeing these commercials fully believe it, especially considering there are year round reasons to "get".

My thoughts and prayers are going out to those families that have lived through this horror. And to those children who saw what they have seen today, and I just pray with all my heart that they can get past this, and will never have to live through something like this ever again, that they will be able to walk through those school doors without fear, and dread, and worry, and tears...that the teachers can find comfort, and can stay strong and brave, and that they gov't stops trying to find a connection between all of these school shootings, because they wont find the connection they are looking for, because they wont like the answer...I fully and 100% believe that its because they took God out of the schools.

That's all I can say on this matter because I cry as I type this blog, and cannot continue on with it right now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Its Wednesday!

Well, its hump day! Woooo!!! LOL OK, got that out of my system. Haven't posted anything in a while, been a bit busy getting stuff done.

I finally got my quilt topper done, my mom is coming over this morning to help me get all 3 layers pinned together. Thats going to take a while, probably about an hour, I just have to make sure to vacuum the floor really good where we are going to pin it together. I have to make it count too because my vacuum is going to die before too much longer. Its been a good Vacuum...I just hope I can find a good place to recycle it. I might see if they want it at the sew and vac to part out.

I'm going to be getting my Christmas cards out in the mail today, oh the fun of that! LOL...oh I also need to mail out my Grandma's Christmas gift...I need to make sure it makes it to California!!!

Today is crochet day with Lindsey!!! YAY!!! We've had a hard time getting together on this, but finally...I have to print out the pattern were going to use, but that will take like a whole 5 seconds.

Mom and I are going to go stocking stuffer shopping today. I already have about half of it done, we just have to get the remainder of the stuff.

Oh, and I'm learning how to do cross stitching. Not as hard as I thought it would be.

Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm so excited, I made my first Etsy sale!!! Of course, It was an owl hat, but thats ok. Those seem to be super popular, but hey, thats the way it rolls!!! I plan on getting upstairs here in a few min to get one of the boxes I ordered from the post office just for my etsy stuff. 

I'm planning on making a few other animal hats, which will be fun.

So yes, I'm a little bit wound up this morning about that!!! LOL

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Busy Weekend!!!!!

This so far has been a super busy weekend!!! Oh man..Friday and Saturday I was Mrs. Clause in 2 Christmas parades, so that was fun, but took time away from the quilting I should have been working on. Today, being Sunday, I should be able to cut some blocks but I don't see any sewing getting done today. I have to run to the store to get the stuff to make my Grandpa's dinner, and of course I have to cook it, and deliver it.  Frank got called in to work today, he had to go to Wiliamsburg. So no telling what time he's going to get home.

So, I have 10 Quilt blocks made, and I'm thinking I need at least 20 more...not sure. I guess the first thing I will have to do is to determine just how wide I'm making this, and how much of a boarder I want to put on.  (who knew something that seemed so simple when I started could suddenly get so darned complected?)

Anyways, I guess I should get off of the computer and on to whats gotta get done!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I have been working like a mad woman on that quilt!!! All of that cutting, and sewing, I know that its still november, but quilt working seems to really eat up a lot of time, and I'm hoping to have this quilt done by mid december.  So, just so everybody knows, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just completely obsessed with getting this quilt finished!!!

I think the thing I'm most worried about, is the actual quilting part of making the quilt. I'm certain I can do it, I've been practicing, and watching video's on you tube, so I think that getting the whole thing quilted together won't be too bad.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I start today!!!!

So, I know I decided a week ago that I was going to make my MIL a quilt for Christmas...I've had the fabric, I've had the pattern, and on black Friday I got the batting and backing from our local quilt, I will start the cutting....all those little squares and triangles, and all that ironing, and sounds a lot worse than what it really is. Its kind of like putting together a giant puzzle. One that will hopefully be well received by the one who gets it, and hopefully treasured on down through the years.

So, I got the kitchen table cleared off, and wiped down. I'm taking a moment now to wait for the hubby to head off to work so that I can bring down the fabric, and my cutting matt, and supplies, and my iron...lots and lots and lots. I'm thinking that if I work on it every day for a week, I can have the topper complete. Then, I will once again completely clear the table, make the quilt sandwich, which is the batting, and the backing, and the topper...then I will start the long process of pinning them together and start the process of quilting it together.

I checked out a book at the library called scraptherapy...its such a neat book, full of great ideas on what to do with all of those totes of scraps!!! After the first of the year, I think I'm going to spend a few weeks, turning those totes full of scraps into usable squares. Lots and lots of squares!!! Frank has gotten me on a waiting list for the book on Amazon. I so want that book!!! I'm probably going to renew it at the library a few times! :D I totally need that book.

So wow, between crocheting, and sewing, I have a room upstairs that is full of yarn and fabric, and things!!! In all honesty, I think I need a bigger room!!! My room up there really isn't much bigger than a small bathroom. I've seen some really awesome craft rooms with these awesome shelving units. I'm planning on downsizing some of my books, and magazines though. I honestly have too many. In all honesty, some of them repeat themselves, so now is the time. I'm planning on letting some of my close crochet pals go through them once I've decided what I'm keeping. There truly are some beautiful books, but I know I'm never going to be able to use them all. My shelves are actually starting to bed from the weight of the books!!! (egads)

Well, this day isn't going to start itself!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving is over, and now the preperations begin!

Well, we made it through Thanksgiving, and now the preparations for Christmas begin!!! Time to dig out the ornaments, and the tree, get the house in order, and wrap all those gifts that are piled up in the corner, for what will be 5 minutes of paper tearing madness. I can't help but wonder if the children see beyond the presents any more. I'm starting to think that its just a day for give me give me give me. I am to the point now where I wish It really was about the giving rather than the receiving, but its not.

Anyways, we spent a really wonderful day at my mother in laws. It was fantastic, and wonderful. My MIL just gets funnier and funnier. I get the biggest kick out of her when she says a cuss word. I'm pretty sure she does it for amusement.

I'm making my MIL a quilt for Christmas. I really have to get on the move...I have a lot of cutting to do...I'm certain I can get it done in time. Its just going to take me dedicating about 3 or 4 hours a day on it for the next month. I'm sure she will love it!!!!

Well, my eyes are playing a game of can't keep me I shall close this up, and maybe climb into that big warm bed of ours.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving week

This is the week when we are supposed to be thankful for who we are, and the people in our lives. Thats awesome, but why does it have to be so close to Christmas? Ok, so maybe that sounds a little bit whiney, but I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning.

I went to walmart yesterday to get some Milk, and Cereal, and they were already playing the Christmas music. I guess thats why Thanksgiving doesn't seem like much any more. Its like the stores just over look Thanksgiving completely. They just skip it like it doesn't exist. Crazy stuff.

I got some orders for my owl hats, I'm almost done with the first one. I would probably be done with 2 of them by now, but Nikki has been having a rough couple of days, so I haven't been able to crochet as fast as I usually do.

OK, so now I have to post my sadness. iCarly is coming to an end. The last show is this Friday, and yes my hubby and I will be watching it. We are just over grown kids.

OH, by the way...HI LINDSEY!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

another day

Well, today is my last dentist appointment for this year!!! (oh yeah!) I'm pretty well excited about that.  I guess since I wen't through all of this, this year, if I'm a good girl, and keep it up, I won't have to deal with all this again, and my teeth will stay intact!!!

I've been working on a large varaitey of things for my etsy store. I'm going to be adding a bunch of stuff today. I'm going to be adding 2 new baby sets, and about a dozen new little girls dresses...oh and some owl hats!!! oh yeah!!! I'm hoping to have a third baby set, but that depends on if I can get it finished today or not. Well I know I can, its just a matter of getting the buttons for it.

This evening we have crochet with Lindsey!!! YES!!!! Well, unless something happens, which I'm hoping it doesn't because its been way way way too long, and I'm really really really wanting this to happen!!! ( doesn't take much to make me happy)

I had to change the password on my yahoo email account. A wonderful thing happened...I got hacked. UGH, thats the second time this year. I'm starting to think its not people really hacking, I'm starting to think its Yahoo sharing passwords with people for money. I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and change a bunch of passwords for safety reasons. I like to change my passwords on a regular 3 time a year basis, so its about time for me to change up my fb password anyways. The only thing I can't figure out is how to change my google password. I'm going to have to do some looking to see.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Oh the joys

So, last night I opened the front door to let Nikki out to pee. I happened to see Sam running up the hill rubBing his head and face in the ground, I was like what the like a dummy I call him to me...and tho sure enough he had gotten hit by a to the store I go...Frank was able to do Sam by himself, unfortunately I didn't get enough peroxide, so I went and got more while he did Sam.
Jasper barely got hit...some how Sam seems to be the one who gets it the worst. I think he must be leading the charge.
It took both of us to do Jasper though. That is one strong dog.

After the baths were done I scrubbed that bathroom, and washed the towels with super hot water, soap, and baking soda. In fact I've been cleaning the while house with it today.
Oh..the adventures we have.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Tonights crochet challenge

Tonight I plan on crocheting some baby Santa sets to put up for sale on my etsy site. I'm going to pop in some old movies, have some caffeine products, and hook away. I would like to get two sets done, but we will see.

I want to have more variety in my shop. Kind of have more options. So after I make the baby sets, I'm hoping to make a bunch of owl hats, and then some others that I have patterns for.  I've put a lot of money into these patterns, time to put them to work.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Well, I don't have to punish myself, tree skirt us done!!!!

I will!!!

I WILL FINISH THAT BLASTED TREE SKIRT TONIGHT!!!! LOL...Nope, still haven't finished it since I posted the last post about it....its personal now. Its just going to be me and the I'm thinking I'm going to pop in a movie, make some Crystal light, and get that bad boy finished!!!!
There is no reason why I can't get it finished tonight, none at all....
If I don't finish it tonight, I'm going to punish myself...hmmm...what will my punishment be???
ummmm....oh I know...I won't be allowed to watch anything with Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin in it for a month if I don't finish that tonight!!!! Well...that being said, I had better get started hadn't I?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

almost there

I spent about an hour working on my christmas tree skirt...whew...not quite done yet, I have 3 and a half rows to go yet. Its one of those that increases every other row, so at this point, its rather large at the bottom, and takes a bit longer to get from one side to the other. Once I'm finished, I'll be doing the Christmas stockings out of the same yarn that I'm making the skirt out of. Its going to be so shiny with the tree lights hitting it!!! Almost makes me want to put my tree up now so I can see it.

Busy Busy Busy

Its that time of the year! Still working on so many things!!! I'm still working on my Christmas tree skirt, I only have 5 more rows to go on that. I need to put the thumb on a mitten, which is almost done, I need to start on the santa clause pillow kit that I ordered back towards the beginning of the year, and I have a few things on my sewing table to take care I said busy busy busy. I need to work on getting some of those irons out of the fire. Maybe I'll sit down tonight and finish up my Christmas tree skirt, and then do the santa pillow this weekend.

Whats on your hooks?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Storm mostly over

Well, it looks like me made it through hurricane Sandy! My lord she was on the rag wasn't she? OK, so that wasn't the nicest thing to say, but in all honesty that's what it seemed like. I did some sewing, we watched some movies, and did some reading. So the boredom of staying inside, and not being able to go out was over come. I'm glad that its not raining right now though, Sam and Jasper really needed the time outside to get all of that pent up energy out of their system. If any of you readers have ever had a husky, you know, they are truly full of it!

I still have more sewing to get done, but I'm in the homestretch of getting that done, and then soon, so very soon, I will be able to get everything posted on etsy. I'm going to have quite the full store. Now, if everything sells, I will be the happiest girl in the world!!!

We have the air mattress set up here in the living room. We figured that way if the power went out we could close off the back part of the house, and keep the heat in one area. We have all kinds of camp heaters and stoves that we got out, and got ready.

My worm farm is doing great! They are eating, and pooping like mad. I need to get some more worms in there though. Its not that I'm impatient, its more that I really want this to pay off.
I haven't came up with a name for my farm yet, but I'm working on it. Nothing sounds just right yet. I want it to sound really good considering I'm planning on having tshirts made up. Once I sell my first batch of anything, that's when I'm going to have the tshirts made up. (I'm so excited!!!!)

Anyways, that's my ramblings for the day!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Storm Prep

I went out today, and got some dog food. I don't have to worry about us so much, but I do have to worry about the dogs!!! Especially Nikki. I worry more about her than any of my pups. Poor old girl.
Right now she's sleeping on her big round pillow, looking happy as can be!!!

I've been making sure that we have buckets of water to flush the toilet, and of course we have a camp stove, and a stove top coffee maker, that's most important there...

Hopefully, this storm doesn't hit as hard as everybody is thinking. But like somebody else pointed out, at least  its not hot and humid out. Keeping warm is easier than trying to cool off.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sewing, Crocheting, and Worm Farming

Well, I'm back to working on getting those adorable little dresses sewn to sell on Etsy. The quilting class I took put me off of sewing for a while, but I'm back on track, and over the last 2 days, have spent several hours on getting them sewn. I must say, its been nice to be kind of busy.

I came up with a fun idea for my scrap fabric. I'm going to make rag dolls out of the scraps, and crochet little dresses or sweaters for them to wear. Then I'll pick a color out of the fabric that I made their body out of to do their hair. I really think they will be kind of cute. I'm not quite sure how much I will charge for them yet. I think it depends on how long it takes me to make each doll. I'll decide from that.

The worm farm, at this point in time really isn't taking up much time at all. I Just have to check them once a day to make sure that everything isn't drying out, if it is, I take my little spray bottle, and add some moisture to it, put the lid back on and go. I don't have enough worms yet for them to be eating too fast, so I may only be feeding them once a week, or less often than that for now.

Its supposed to get up to 79, I love this crazy fall weather!!! Sam and Jasper are outside right now while its still cool. I went ahead and switched the heat off so that it doesn't get hot in here today. I'm hoping not to have to turn the AC on. I think we can live without it for today.

Frank is off until Weds!!! Hooray, its what I like to call a second chance Vacation. I'm hoping he doesn't get called in to do runs to awfully much, but I guess we will see.

I have to say, its been really sucky only having one car. I haven't been able to do my crochet stuff with Lindsey because of all of the running back and forth and to different places. I really miss it. We have some great talks and laughs. I'm hoping we get the other car back soon so that we can start some other projects!!!! (like the dog stockings!!!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Worm Farming

Well, we did it! We got our worm farm up and going...its kind of exciting, but at the moment we are in the beginning stages, kind of like those people who do chicken farming, they start out with a couple of chickens and a rooster, and then they let them multiply...well that's us.  In about a year, we will have, according to my math skills, and I did the numbers low...we will have roughly a half million worms!!!! HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF WORMS!!!

We plan on selling fishing bait. I would like to get a contract to supply to one of the bigger fishing bait companies, but my hubby wants to sell locally. I guess that's how we should start in all honestly.

A mature worm, lays an egg every 7 days.  Those eggs hatch every 3-4 weeks, and contain between 3-7 baby worms. So, in about a month, we will have eggs hatching on a weekly basis. My plan is to put all of the money we make into an account until we can just outright buy an out building. I'm thinking I would like one of those big steel ones they advertise.  Starting our own business is exciting and scary all at the same time!!!  The exciting awesome part is, if it actually takes off, and we can get bills paid off, and the stuff done to the house, we may be able to adopt sooner!!!! (hell yeah!!!)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Lots and loss of stuff

What a busy day we had today. First Frank and I got some apple sauce made. One of the hats didn't fill up sill the way, so I'm going to use that to make an applesauce cake tomorrow.

Then we got our red wigglers today!!! Yes, they are all alive, at least for now. We have them all set up, with some food and everything. And now, best of all, once they really start eating..we will start getting some of that most wonderful worm poop.

And finally, I finished up that baby sweater pattern I was working on, and have it in my special completion folder. That's where I put them when they are ready to be tested, and then typed, and all the stuff that comes before I post the pattern. Exciting day!!!

Frank and I wound the evening down witha movie. We watched the tooth was hilarious.

Now were going to kick back and watch another movie. Unfortunately, even though were paying money for satellite, there us never anything on.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good Morning

So thankfully this week is finally winding down. Its been a long hard week. I know that Frank can't help it, but his job sometimes makes it hard on everybody at home. But, now that the weekend is coming up we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief.

On today's agenda is a list of things to get done. Sometimes I do best if I write myself a list of things to do. Its not a long list, but I'll get way more done with it! LOL

I do have some plans to get some more crocheting done today as well. I want to finish my current crochet pattern I've been writing, so that hopefully by Monday I'll be ready to start the final process of getting them posted. YAY FUN!

That's about it from this funny farm!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

No crochet day today

So, I didn't really get anything done today crochet wise today.  I did a couple of rowes on my christmas tree skirt, but that was it. I didn't feel like doing much. I think the weight of the weekend is still on my shoulders.

I do plan on getting back on that band wagon soon though. I want to finish working on a baby sweater I was working on, and I also want to get started on Christmas stockings.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm feeling like poo. It just came out of nowhere. Please let this pad quickly.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What a day

I got a bunch of stuff done today. I got some wip's done today, laundry, made the bed, dusted, just general daily housework. I have to wash dishes again, but that's because I'm doing some baking for tomorrow.

I'm getting reedy to start some Christmas crochet projects for here. I'm making a tree skirt, and some stockings out of the same yarn. I'm only starting now because I Nerf to take a step back from designing for a day or two so that I can come back to it with a fresh brain.  I think the big problem is I've had this Christmas project on my brain for far too long.

Nikki's meds for her joint issues got bumped up to twice a day. I can tell a little bit of a difference for now, but we will see what happens once she gets used to it. I have been trying to go out with her some to make sure she's not having any problems with her bowls. Sometimes I think I love her too much, but when a dog had been as faithful as she has, can you love too much, or can you even love them enough? That's a deep question in it's way I know, but I worry about her in her older age.

Friday, October 12, 2012

nice day out

I spent some time outside today, and loved it! Today was one of those nice days where all thoughts of inside activities fly out the window. But thats ok.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I think this blog has become my way of venting and talking about my design projects, even though I'm not the best at putting pictures up. (lets face it, I'm not! LOL)

I've started working on designing a baby sweater. I'm doing the bodice in granny squares. I think its going to be cute, but figuring out my sizing is just not working out as well as It could for me.  I will get it, this I am sure of! I figure if I'm going to be a designer, I am going to make this!!! I was hoping to have the front part of the bodice figured out, so that I could start on the back part of the bodice by now, BUT I haven't gotten it just yet. I'm close, I can feel it!!! LOL

I have to say, I have a great group of people standing behind me on my plan to be a designer. The top two on this list are my Husband Frank, and my best pal Lindsey. Then of course, there is my mom, and the rest of the family.  I think as long as I have these people cheering me on, I will make it to the top!

So, I'm going to do some housework, and then get back to that pattern!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fresh week

So, its Monday! A Fresh week. I've got 2 patterns that I'm prepping to be posted on Craftsy, another project on the hooks that I'm working on writing, and a scarf that I'm working on finishing up for somebody else.  It looks like its going to be a busy week in the world of crochet!

Its finally cold here in the Shenandoah Valley. We had to turn the heat on Sunday Morning, and it looks like it may be on to stay! I've gotten my warmer clothes out, and in my dresser, and am ready to take on this great fall weather!!! (its what I like to refer to as hot chocolate weather!!!)

I ordered some Red Heart Holiday yarn on Saturday. I'm planning on making a Christmas tree skirt that I've made before, but not for me. This time, its for me.  I'm also planning on making some stockings in matching colors. I ordered enough extra that I'll be able to make them. If I have time this year, I may crochet a few Christmas ornaments as well. This is out of an issue of Crochet Today, that's a few years old, back when the editor was good. (I don't care for the way the magazine is now. the last 2 Christmas issues have sucked.) 

Well, guess I had better get back to my day!!!  Its early, and there is much to do!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Its Friday, and Frank has been going to school all week for work. Thank goodness he's off this weekend. I'm ready to sleep in a day.
Right now all 3 dogs are sleeping. One on the couch, one on the chair, and one on a giant pillow on the floor. I love when they are all so sweet like that.

I think this weekend is going to be a busy one. Frank has to mow the lawn, and of course, there is always laundry, dishes, dusting, and all kinds of things to be done. I'm feeling kind of off today, but I'll get around to getting more done. So far today, I've done some dishes, picked up some stuff, and worked on my latest crochet project that's going to be posted on craftsy.

As soon as I get my current pattern done, and some other stuff that's in waiting finished, I'm going to start on my nephews Mario doll that he wants for Christmas. I'm not really looking forward to it, because I'm not sure how well it will go. I'm sure it will go fine, but this is something a little on the new side for me. I've done cartoon stuff before, and have done several dolls, but this...well lets just say, I'm going to write the pattern as I go. Wish me luck everybody!

Well looks like its time to get back to the housework!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

almost there

So, Fall has come into the Valley quite nicely. After the hard, hot and dry summer, these refreshingly crisp days are quite a welcomed event at my house. I've had the windows open, letting the house air out, and get fresh! Yes, we are loving it. I'm even loving the damp rainy mornings that seem to happen more often these days.  Fall is my favorite time of the year. I think I'm due for a fall photo shoot. I may take my digital camera to the park soon, and walk the trail taking pictures.

I've been working on my Amish doll pattern for what feels like forever. Great news! My Amish Doll pattern is totally ready to be typed up, and made ready for posting on Craftsy!!!! I cannot even begin to tell everybody just how happy I am that its coming to an end. I love them, but I have devoted way more time on them than I thought I would.

Next up??? Slip through dish towel hangers. I'm working on some Holiday ones, and they are turning out really cute!!! I hate sewing the yarn onto the dish towel. its just so much work!!! These so far work up in about 15-20 min or less. Who doesn't love a fast pattern???? Especially when you want to decorate for the holidays, or just add enough decorations to freshen up a bit.

I actually have a notebook where I write and sketch these things so that I don't forget that I want to do them. LOL...I think if it weren't for that notebook, I would forget in a heart beat!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Getting Closer

So, my Amish Doll set is almost complete. They are super cuddly, and cute! I'm hoping that its a pattern that sells well! I'm hoping for lots of good luck on this one!  So, Fingers crossed everybody!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Designing is work

I was going over one of.the.hat patterns I had designed that I'm planning on posting.on craftsy to sell. I mad the final corrections, and it's ready tho be typed up. The first thing I will have to do however us tho take loss of pictures. I made 3 in different colors tho take pictures of. This was my pony tail hat pattern. I haven't.decided yet how much to list it as for sale. I do know I hope it sells well. I also know I won't feel like a true designer until I have sold my first pattern. I also know, that I am hoping to make a career out of this. I also know it can be a big fall downward as well.
Anyways, positive thoughts on this everybody. I need positive thoughts from everybody on lots of things.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For the Love of Hooking

I've been a busy crocheter here lately. I've had the metal to the grindstone. I got my first 3 patterns checked,and double checked. They are ready for photography, and to be typed into the comp.  I'm working on my next set of 3. I'm really wanting this to be successful, so for everything I do, I take my time with it, and double check myself until I'm ready for the final process.  The thought of actually writing a book is kind of daunting. The thought of submitting that book is down right scary. I think its scary because of thoughts of rejection. 

Why do I want to write this book? Why do I want to be successful? And do I think I want to be rich???

I want to write this book because crochet has given me so much, that I want to give something back. Also, growing up, I always said I wanted to be a writer, I just never knew what kind of a writer exactly I wanted to be! :D

Why do I want to be successful??? Well, to be honest, I would love for this to work out so that I know I can have some kind of a future career. Something that's not going to tear me up physically. Something that's going to keep my mind active, and something that will allow me to continue to have the option to stay at home and be a great wife, and dog mother, and someday a human mother. I think I want to know that when we adopt, I will be here for all the adjustments, tears, and fears that will come with adopting a child.

Do I want to be rich??? Oh come on, who doesn't? But this is not the way to get rich! LOL..I don't think anybody can really get rich writing patterns. Although, I will have a full heart, because I will have the options I want if I can make enough to help keep food on the table, and a roof over our heads! :D

Sunday, September 16, 2012

did you know?

So, did you know that you can actually crochet until your wrist hurts? Yup, I think I'm going to have to eventually invest in those wrist /hand gloves they make for crocheters and knitters.  But I'm taking a break off from my craft today to let my wrist rest. I did get one dress checked off yesterday as being good! I'm pretty happy about that. Its good!!!!

Well, I realized yesterday, that its too late in the year to just submit Halloween items to a pattern company.  SO now my plan is to make 9 more dresses, 3 for Spring, 3 for Summer, and 3 for Winter.  That way it can be a book of seasonal dolls. I'm pretty excited about this plan. And, the best part is, I can see most of them in my head. I'm even thinking about a June Bride, and her Bridesmaid. That may just take care of 2 of the summer girls. Maybe.  I'm thinking I need to do something for memorial day and maybe 4th of July. There are way too many idea's floating around in my head.

I had another Idea that may help 2comfort2hope out some. The website craftsy, has free patterns as well as for sale patterns submitted by the designers such as myself. WELL...I'm thinking about putting the diaper pattern on there from our site that I wrote. I'm going to put the website at the top and bottom of the pattern to draw attention to it, in hopes that somebody will go to it, and help us out with making our diapers and stuff.

Its a chilly morning out there, hope that means its going to be a nice cool day!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Worth a try?

So, as you all know, I've been working on my Crochet Witch Dolls...They are coming along great. I got the dress done yesterday for the Candy Corn Girl, and today, am going to do the hat. (housework got in my way yesterday a bit)  I have so many more ideas for more Halloween dresses. I plan on trying to do all of the ideas that come into my head, which left me thinking about something, so I went to the leisure arts website and checked their submission guidelines, and now I'm wondering if it wouldn't be worth a try to see if I'm worth actually publishing in a book...a real book...through a real pattern company...Its one of my goals...but I wonder, do I really have to make it a long term goal? Is waiting a crazy thing to do, when its worth a try now????
Then another thought hit me...why not do a doll of the month kind of thing? a different costume for every month...or season..or just whatever you know???? But for now, I'm going to work on getting all of my ideas on paper as they come. 
I've always wanted to be a published writer, could it be that my writing will be in the form of crochet patterns??? Could be!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dolls so far.

I wish I could figure out why this posts sideways pics.

Hookin it up!

I know, I need to get some pics posted, bad girl that I am! But and this is no excuse, I've been working on some Halloween themed crochet bed doll type dolls. So far, I have done a witch dress, a pumpkin themed dress, and today, I'm going to do candy corn. Don't worry, I'm going to actually post the pics after I do this post. Promise for real for sure this time. :D

So, I was looking on the Craftsy website, where I plan to post these patterns for sale, and guess what...looks like we may have to change our pay pal account, or add a second pay pal account. That really stinks. Not too happy about that, but we will see I guess.  You have to have the kind of account that will accept credit cards from non pay pal users. Oh the fun of it all.

Frank is back on day shift this week. You can probably tell based on the early hour of this post.
So, I guess I should see what I can get done today before the day runs away from me. I want to get my housework done early, so that I can get the candy corn doll dress done, and written today and so on and so forth.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I cant figure out how to get this to rotate the way it needs to be, but as you can see, it turned out pretty good!

Come on already Autumn

Well, Fall is fast approching. It would seem however that the only thing that agrees with this is the constant cover of big dark grey clouds. The heat and humidity however are on a completely different foot. I'm ready for the days to be crisp and cool, the nights aren't too bad, but unfortunately I am not raedy to turn off the ac because of the heat of the days, but at night, it kind of gets cold in this house.  One would say, oh why dont you just turn it off at night, well if I do that, then it will run up the electric bill turning it on and off like that.

I have been in the mood to bake, but unfortunately that stupid dehydrator is still going, taking up my counter space which I would use to do my baking.  I really do get tired of that damn thing. My kitchen is in such a clutter that I cant stand it. I dont know what to do with everything. I cant just throw it away because heven forbid I throw away something that we might need in the next 100 years.  I'm thinking about re-aranging the kitchen after Frank goes to work tonight. That usually makes me feel better. I can usually make things work out the way I want it to when I do that.

I was going to go to the sit and knit today at the Spin a Yarn shop, but my Left hip, and knee hurt so bad its making my back hurt. I took some IBuprofen a little bit ago, hopefully it will help.  We will see. I have a couple of pain pills left from about 2 years ago if I really need them. I dont take them if I dont have to.

Anyways, I got the first out of 3 Harry Potter Scarves made that I am working on last night. I'll start on another one this evening. Probably the blue and orange one, I'm thinking I'll do the red and gold one last. I will be posting a picture here shortly of the first finished one.  I think that app that I put on my phone was kind of awesome. It lets me just post pictures right on here!

OK, I'm done complaining for the time being. ...oh and over look my bad spelling, spell check is not working today for some reason.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Good day

At least I think it was a good day. I went into town and hung out with a friend I had not seen in a while. We walked around town some, and decided we need to make walking a more regular thing. I think if I could loose a few pounds I would feel better.

So, walking around town, and looking in shop windows blue some of the webs out of my brain, and I got back to work on my Amish doll. Hopefully I will have that pattern completed by the end of September.

I'm also hoping to have a couple of other patterns completed that I had been working on. I guess I had simply had a bit of a writers block, but I think I'm out of it now.

So, more on to the Doctor Who marathon.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What do I want to do????

So, my husband and I were talking the other day, and I told him that I needed to think about what I want to do in life. I know that eventually I will have my hip surgeries, and I will be able to go back to work. He asked me, what do I want to do...Well I know what it is I want to do, and the more I think about it, the more I think I can make it happen. I want to be a crochet pattern designer. That is what I want to do. No, I wont get famous, or rich but man, what an adventure.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


So, Lindsey and I are collaborating on a really adorable cuddle quilt. It has a pic of a penguin on it.  Well, I divvied up the squares, and just finished crocheting 42 blue granny squares. I'm doing them I'm order of largest amount, to smallest amount. Next I have 40 white granny squares, then I have a nice small amount of blacks, then it's off to the wonderful challenge of bi colored squares. Yay!!! Honestly, I am up for the challenge. That's the best part of crochet, no matter how long one has been doing it, there is always a me challenge.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Quilt Squares

So these are some of the quilt squares I've been making for my quilting class.


Crochet inspiration I find comes from many different places.  From watching cartoons with the dogs, to a walk in the park. I have so many idea's in this brain of mine for patterns, that I can never ever seem to get them all written down.  One of my dreams in life is to be a published crochet designer. Lately I've been working on what I like to call scrubby kitchen helpers.  I still have the Amish doll in the works. I truly need to get back to work on her. I know she is going to be adorable when she is finished, its just a matter of getting back to it. I may work on her some this morning. I think the part I'm going to have the hardest time with is the bonnet part. I love the fact that I'm not going to have to worry about putting a face on her, sticking with the rules of the Amish dolls.

One of the things I think would be adorable, and very time consuming, is crocheting replica's of each of my pups. The faces will probably be the biggest challenge with their markings. What would be really fun, is if I did them life size! LOL I can see that now!!! How cute that would be.  (and expensive! LOL)

I got my new Annie's catalog in the mail. Its full of some beautiful knit patterns that make me wish I could do more than just dishcloths and scarves! (I have a scarf on the knitting needles right now in redskins colors) I am faster at knitting than I used to be, so it wont take me as long to get this scarf done as scarves in the past have taken me. I do like the new red heart team spirit yarn. Its self striping, and I have to say, the stripes work up really awesome!  Self Striping yarn really is a lot of fun if you get the right kind.  Hobby Lobby  has some beautiful self striping yarn. It makes for a fun pattern if your doing a blanket too. It doesn't exactly come out striped, but is really cute! I may have to make a scarf out of it to see how that works up.

Another thing that I find inspiring and wonderful is the fact that Nikki's medicine is really working well. The proin that she is on for her leaky bladder has worked out so well! I don't have to cover the couch any more for protection.  The carpet is stained passed the point of no return, but that can be replaced in a couple of years.  Her Alzheimer's medicine is working well too.  She's almost like a puppy at times. Then again, it could be part of the disease, but I like it better than her being lost and confused in the house all the time. She still follows me around like a lost soul, but its not so bad. She has even started playing with the boys outside. Unfortunately this means I have to keep a closer eye on her when we are outside, because I think she tends to forget her joint problems, and she will keep going sometimes.  I have to watch for her to start limping. Her back hips are not in good shape. Her front legs are getting bad too, but not as bad as her back.

Well, its almost 5:30 AM, so I had better run spell check and go set out some hamburger to thaw for my grandpa's dinner! Have a great rest of the day everybody.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I think I have spoiled Sam and Jasper a bit too much.  They are now to the point of they want to stay in and sleep all day, then at night they keep getting up and down up and down, and wanting to play, and walk on top of us. Since the weather is getting nicer and cooler out, I may have to start getting them to spend more time outside playing.

I started knitting my step dad a scarf in redskins colors. I'm not a big fan of knitting, but knitted scarves sometimes look nicer I think. This is self striping yarn, and its striping up pretty good too. I'm using the red heart team spirit yarn. I have a bunch of pictures that I will be posting here as soon as my phone is good and charged up.

That about does it for this morning.  Hope everybody has a good weekend.

Monday, August 13, 2012

What a day!

Well, its Monday. For some reason yesterday felt like a Monday to me. Maybe because my husband was off for 4 days, but it just felt like a Monday. Today is Monday for sure though! LOL Its going to be a busy day as well!!! I've already done a good bit of laundry, ran the dishwasher, and here shortly will start doing some cleaning, and getting myself ready to go out pay bills, get some new tires, get Nikki's meds refilled...and the list goes on and on.

Tomorrow though, ahhh what fun that's going to be!!! Tomorrow is the day my best pal comes over. We are working on crocheting doggy sweaters for her little dog who is so cute I could just eat her little face!!!!  The pattern that we are working at, is horribly written. I plan on re-writing it...its just a matter of taking a deep breath and going in with pencil and paper, and having at it one row at a time!!! LOL.

The Worst of our Summer heat is over! Thank goodness. This has been one nasty summer. Although I don't think it was as bad here as it has been other places. I'm ready for Fall weather, but not winter weather.  I'm thinking about looking into some afghan patterns as a project for this winter. Maybe ones that are worked in blocks so that Lindsey and I can make one together. That would be fun I think.  I have so many patterns that it wont be hard to pick one...well maybe it will be hard to pick one because I have so many!!!

Well dryer went off, that's my cue!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Sam who ia clearly mine, is having a very hard time with Nikki being old and ill. I suppose things must be changing in her because he is acting more clingy to us than usual.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

you know

So, I was thinking this morning as my hubby and I were getting through our morning routine before he goes to work, that wow, I can tell we've been married for more than a few years now!!!  So I've compiled a small list of ways you know your not a newlywed any more.

1. When it doesn't bother you that your wearing a night gown, and you haven't shaved your legs in a few days...or weeks....

2. your comfortable enough with each other to use the toilet when the other is in the shower or brushing their teeth...and you forget to give a courtesy flush

3. you could care less if your bra, and panties match

4. you could care less if their are holes in your underwear

5. your morning cup of coffee is more important than that first morning hello

Those are my top 5 ways of knowing, you just aren't newlyweds anymore!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

so much to little time

So, I've been trying to do some house work today, not getting to far on it, as I have to keep sitting down. My whole hip, knee and leg are just killing me today. I'm hoping that means were going to get some rain. Maybe it will relieve the pain once it does rain.

Went to my first quilting class last night. It was a blast...and it was great to get out of the house. It was just 3 of us in there, my mom, myself, and this really cute little  Chinese lady called Yoshi. She spit out a really long name that we would have had no way of pronouncing. Thankfully she said everybody just calls her Yoshi. I love her.  I have homework to do, but haven't gotten around to starting on it just yet. I might this evening though...not sure yet however.

I've been working on getting those dresses cut out. I got all of the size 3 dresses sewn up. Right now my plan however is to just get all of my sizes cut out, so that I  can take a couple of days to just sew them. The cutting does take some time. More time than I thought it would, but that's OK, because I want them to come out really good. I think its taking more time because of the amount of them that I am making. I'm making 10 in each size from size 3 to size 6. So by the time I'm finished I will have 40 of them made and ready for my store!

Sam and Jasper have been sleeping hard today! I'm guessing its because they are pretty bored. They don't want to go out except to potty, and then they run right back in the house.  Its kind of hot out there. I'm not sure who is more comfy, Sam on the couch, or Jasper taking up 2 dog beds. LOL at least they know how to chill out I guess!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Best Aunt Ever

So I totally have to toot my own horn!  I am the Best Aunt Ever! I love to sew little dresses as we niece has issues with things going over her head. Well, I totally took, and figured out how to put snaps on the shoulders, (OK, with the help of my hubby) and it works out great!!!!

I really do love a good challenge...its so fun!!! And here lately Walmart craft department has some adorable fabric. If I had 100 dollars to just spend, I would so buy a ton of fabric!!!! I love all the butterfly fabric, and the fabrics that are fall colored. I think I'm going to have some gorgeous dresses for my etsy store. I picked up some really cute reduced price fabrics yesterday, and I just cant wait to get started on the etsy store dresses.  That's just not going to happen today, or tomorrow, hopefully Thursday.

Tomorrow were having girls day at my MIL's house. Were going to be getting fruit ready for making Jelly.  I'm taking Nikki with me so that I can keep an eye on her. It is very possible I'm being overly protective, but I just cant help myself.

Well, guess I should see about getting some stuff done today!!! Over and out!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A new journey

So, I've been working on my sewing again. I was fooling around with my sewing machine sewing some blankets for  Well, I started digging through my sewing patterns, because I was feeling inspired, and pulled out the smaller pattern size of dresses like I make for my niece, and started making some...well one turned into 6..... so now I have decided that I'm going to open up an etsy store. I tried before, but I wasn't very serious about it, and didn't do anything to promote my store, so it didn't go as well as it could have.   I believe that I can make it work better, between facebook, and the wonderful world of the Internet, I will make it work!!! 
Nikki's days are getting harder and harder. I had to get my mom to come over and stay with her while I took dinner to grandpa's house. I didn't clean over there because I needed to get back. Turns out it was a good thing I didn't stay, because she paced herself almost to the point of exhaustion while I was gone.  I believe we may have to make a decision very soon. 

Well, that's about it for today, need to see if I can figure out how to get Nikki to lay down and rest before she falls down.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


OK, I got the rippled afghan done, and delivered. Right now, I've started a round ripple afghan. I'm doing it in solid green. I think the green will match the couch. That and its been a while since I've really done anything in one solid color.

I have many things on the hook. I really need to work on finishing up the smaller ones, and the designs, and other things. I promise, I do have pictures! Its just a matter of getting them posted.  That is something I will do soon! I promise. I just need to get my pictures loaded onto the computer. Something I tend to be lazy about. But I will do it soon.

Mom and I are going out today to get the rest of the stuff we need for our quilting class we are taking. You really need a lot of stuff. I think the stuff cost more than the class! Oh well, It will be fun none the less.  And I'll end up with a full size quilt when its done. I may be able to make a bigger one if I do my assigned "homework" lol...its funny to think about homework from a craft class.

Well, I guess I should get off of here, and get myself motivated. I need to do my daily work out, and shower and dress.

Have a great weekend!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Blues

Ahhh its break time. I decided I needed to have lunch, something to drink, and some Ibuprofen for my hip and knee pain I seem to be having thanks to all of this wonky weather.  I've been working on the bedroom and bathroom today. I'm making great progress. Its just a matter of getting rid of some stuff, and moving other stuff to better locations. I've made a little money so far doing this today as well. So far I have found a grand total of 36 cents. If I find 2.58  more I can go to walmart and buy a skein of red heart yarn! LOL Here in just a little bit though I'm going to haul of the trash so it doesn't get to be too much, and then head to the grocery store for some bread, cereal and peanut butter.

We've been canning the heck out of our green beans. We are up to 16 quarts canned! That might not sound like much but that's less we will have to buy this winter. Plus we still have the rest of the growing season to go with them. Hopefully we will get another 7 or 8 at least. I have big plans this winter!

I've been working on crocheting a couple of baby sweater sets for some of my family that lives out west. Its for a baby girl, and I'm not using the typical colors that people like to use for girls. I'm going with greens. I just wanted to do something a bit different...because well I tend to be a bit different. I'm going to put whatever is left over yarn wise into our comfort sets. I figure Its really pretty yarn, and we can always use pretty yarn, even though I don't think we've been doing much in the way of crocheting for our stuff lately. Although I plan on crocheting a few more hats for the Calvin's Hat project we are working on.

Well, now that I've finished my sandwich and have drank most of my tea, I guess I had better get a move on if I want to get home before the weather hits. It does look like its going to do something out there, and I see the tree's a stirrin out there!

And I swear to all of you that I do plan on posting pics of my projects here soon! LOL...I'm just a really bad person when it comes to getting things put on the computer picture wise!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


How do you measure time? Days? Minutes? Seconds?Hours? How do you measure it when there has been a limit put on the time that you have left with somebody that you love? That you know your time is coming to an end. That its going to be time to say a final farewell. Do you dwell on it? Or do you try to make the best of every minute? How do you keep your heart from breaking open and bleeding out knowing what is coming? I don't really think you can.

Today, I took Nikki for a routine vet appointment. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It seems funny to think about a dog having that, but it can and does happen. She has started loosing weight.  I've known something has been wrong with her for a while, I just wasn't completely able to put my finger on it.  Its progressed a bit further than I would have thought.  I was told that she may have another 6 months left.  So now I have to keep a closer eye on her, and try to make sure that she is actually eating.  I cant let her go outside by herself any more.  I need to comfort her when she gets confused, and make sure she knows that she is loved, and cared for. Frank and I will have to comfort each other, and try to not let her see our tears.

I am starting a scrap book for her. Its going to be pink. I got pretty pages for it, and pretty fun stickers as well. I know that it may sound silly to some, but memories are worth more than money. I want her memories to be preserved in the best way I can.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What first?

Well, this is one of those days when I think I've let everything stack up long enough because of the fact that it was so hot outside last week. Now I'm not saying I didn't do anything because of the heat, mostly it was because I couldn't let my dogs out except to potty and come back in. Its kind of hard to get things done with 3 good sized dogs in the house all at once.   Here as soon as I get my next cup of coffee I'm going to start! I think the first thing I'm going to have to hit, and hit hard is that living room.  It seems to have suffered greatly, between the dust, the dog hair, and just plain being lived in.  (ha I guess that's why they call it the living room.)  Then I know my bathroom is going to have to be hit pretty hard too.  Hopefully after that my dear hubby will be home to help me with the refrigerator and the pantry. They both  need a good scrub down as well. I keep telling myself if I would just keep on top of all of this to begin with it wouldn't be such a problem, or stack up on me. maybe its because I seem to have lost the want, or the need to do it. I'm not sure which yet, but its one of them. Maybe I've just gotten too comfortable with being at home all the time. Or maybe FB has sucked me in!!! LOL

Last night while watching Eureka, and then Lost girl on the SciFi channel, I made another huge dent in that afghan. It really is pretty. The part I like best about it right now, is it keeps my lap and knees warm. Yes I know its summer time, but in the evenings it gets a little chilly in here with the ac going. No complaints about that though, because I know that there are plenty of people who still use window units, or nothing at all. (those poor souls.)

After about 4 or 5 good years of service, a power surge took out our coffee pot.  My hubby tore it apart and discovered that the heating switch needs to be replaced. Well we did go out and buy a new pot. He is hoping that Bunn will send him a replacement part so that he can fix the broke one. I believe he has plans for it!  If I'm not mistaken I think he's hoping to be able to take it to work so that they will have a working coffee pot! (no complaints there)

I guess I had better get my cup of coffee and throw the dogs out of the house for a little while so I can get to that cleaning that so desperately needs to be done! Keep cool!!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Apparently when my dear husband is on nights, I cant seem to get too much done around the house! I have so much catching up to do today!! Eeeek...not sure why I'm on the computer at this point. Maybe its because my coffee pot seems to have given up the ghost, and I'm badly in need of a freshly brewed cup of hot coffee. No, I don't want to reheat it in the microwave, that's not what I want. It doesn't taste the same...maybe I'm just a coffee snob...not sure, but I know its something.

I've made a decent dent in the afghan I've been working on. It looks like I'm to the halfway point, so that's a plus. I still need to go out and get the rest of the yarn I'm going to be needing to finish it, but that's not such a big deal.  Next I've got to start working on a gift for my step moms sons g/f who is expecting a girl. I'm just going to make her a sweater set I think. I'm thinking maybe something in peach. Peach is such a pretty color.

For now, I guess I had better get off of here and motivate myself! Maybe I'll break out the stove top coffee pot!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


So, I'm like a dog with a bone with my rippled afghan, I cant seem to stop working on it. That's not such a bad thing though.  One of my problems with working on a larger blanket is after a while I start to get bored with it, and the last 50 rows or so seem to creep by when that happens.  That's the only problem I have with big projects.  Although I'm wanting to make a second one so maybe this one wont be so bad.

I picked 2 buckets full of green beans this evening. I took a bunch over to my mom's house, because I just don't have the urge to snap, and can those bad boys. I still have more to pick. I got really hot, and my back and hips started hurting really bad. I'm going to try and get them either in the morning, or tomorrow evening once the heat subsides.  I am however going to snap some tonight and throw in the crock pot with some ham fat, and some onion for tomorrows enjoyment.  (I think my dear sweet hubby will enjoy that)

Anyways, I think its time for me to retire to the living room for a couple of hours with my tea, and my afghan project. 
As always, keep cool

Friday, July 6, 2012

Stop the world, I want to get off

Today is just one of those days where I'm feeling, well blah really.  My legs and hips hurt, I need to go out and pay bills, I'm tired, the dogs wont behave, its hot as hell outside, and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with my husband.

For some reason he's just not wanting to talk about adoption. Every time I bring it up because we need to talk about it and make a decision he gets really moody, and I just cant talk to him. Then he gets mad, and makes me feel guilty because he knows that means that we will have to clear out the bigger of the two bedrooms upstairs, and goes into the whole well I'll just sell off my guns. That's not what I want to do. I don't want to play the guilt game. But I also know that time is not long on this world for anybody. I don't want to die a lonely old woman with no children to comfort her when the end comes. I'm not stupid, I know that adoption is a long, hard process. Well its not as hard as it used to be with so many children needing homes, but its still a long process that requires a lot of patients. I feel like we are on two different levels when it comes to family. I don't know anymore. I guess I'm just so frustrated that I want to cry.  I love my niece and nephews, but that's not enough. The two oldest ones are on their own, and doing there own thing. I'm not so certain that they have time to be bothered youngest nephew and niece live far enough away and with the way my schedule works anymore I don't get to see them but maybe once a month.

Am I whining and complaing, absolutely. Do I know it, absolutely. Should I stop it probably, but do i want to, no. I guess maybe I should give Frank a bit more time, I mean we only just found out a bit less than a month ago that Diabetics can adopt. It could be a bit much for him to take in.  I don't think he ever imagined adopting a child. When I look into my heart, I know I could love any child that was given to me to care for, and to be mine.  Does it hurt to know that at this point its more than likely I will never feel a child growing inside of my body, a little piece of me and a little piece of Frank, yeah, it hurts so bad that I feel somebody stabbed me in the chest, and is twisting the knife.

Alright, enough, I had better stop this because I'm just going to send myself back into some kind of a crazy depression....everybody have a great weekend.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I'm so excited! I just signed up to take my first quilting class. It lasts for 6 weeks, and is in the evening on Monday's!!! This is going to be so much fun!!! I may have to take the one that is being offered in October as well.  I want to learn how to do all of that fun awesome and wonderful stuff!!! It would be wonderful to be able to give beautiful colorful home made quilts as gifts, or to have them on the back of the couch, or hanging on the wall. To be able to create those beautiful family heirlooms would just be awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I know that you can do the same thing with crochet, it just seems like people don't seem to appreciate the work and love that goes into crochet as they do a quilt. its strange like that. Although, people will buy them all day long at thrift stores and yard sales, so at least I know people do like a good crocheted blanket.

Its going to be so hot this weekend. Its going to get up to over 100 on Saturday. I hate when its like that, but oh well what can one do except stay inside and endure it!  I'll use that time to work on my afghan some more that I desperately want to get done!!!

Well that's about it for now!!!
Peace out and Stay cool!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So, I've been having one of "those days" so far today. No not in the bad sense, just in the I went back to bed before the hubby left for work,  and slept until after 9AM, and just don't feel like doing anything today kind of days! I'm working on my coffee now, so I'm pretty sure everything will kick in here shortly.

We had the great canning experience last night! We canned some green beans, which wasn't as hard as I was thinking it would be, but probably because we only had 5 quarts worth to can rather than a whole ton like some people end up with. I am to the point right now where I'm going to have to start checking the bean plants on a daily basis though. No complaints there at all.  Its not that green beans are my favorite veggie, its just one less thing that I will have to buy this winter.

Speaking of winter, does anybody else get that dreaded feeling that its going to be a long hard winter??? I've been working on getting things in order for winter. Kind of stocking up so to speak. I'm working on buying Toilet Paper as I find it on sale, as well as canned goods, and things that wont go bad.  We are talking about buying meat on clearance so that we can can it as well. That way should we loose power we don't have to worry about it going bad in the freezer.  I don't think Walmart does reduced meat, so I will have to keep an eye on Food Lion.

Well, I guess I should close this up. Going to check FB one last time as I enjoy this coffee, and then I have to start getting myself busy!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Its too hot outside!!! I'm melting!!!! AAAAHHHHHH

July, Heat, and Crochet

So I'm going to start out by saying that I cannot believe that its July already. This year is just blowing by, and is not waiting for anybody!  Frank and I went to a cook out on Saturday night. That was fun. We saw a lot of people we had not seen in a really long time...of course there had to be that one person who had to ask the question...So, how many kids do you have now? It should have been obvious seeing as we didn't have any children with us...and seeing as there was a lot of kids there if we would have had children they would have been there with us.

Wow, it got really really hot all at once. I mean its been gradually warming up, but man, this is some insane heat! We went back to my grandpa's yesterday (Sunday) to take him his dinner. Frank was camped out trying to take care of his groundhog situation. I think the groundhogs decided that it was too hot even for them to come out of their holes. Everytime I looked at the thermometer over there the temp would go up. before we left at 4:30 the thermometer read 105.3.  The really insane part was the fact that the receptor was in the shade. I can only imagine what it would have read if it was sitting in the sun.  Friday this extreme hot weather caused one heck of a crazy thunder storm that caused a lot of damage. I have never ever seen a thunder storm cause so much damage. In fact Frank and I were driving home through that storm, and I can tell you right now I would rather drive in a blizzard than that ever again.

So, Lindsey and I went on a girls day out on Saturday. We hit some really awesome craft stores. I got 2 new books, and a bunch of yarn! (oh how I love yarn) Right now I'm working on a rippled afghan which was originally going to be for me, but is now a wedding gift! I'm not very far in, maybe about 25-30 rows. I know is so pretty its going to be hard to give away!

Sam goes to the groomers today. It will be the first time he's been to a groomer. I really hope they can handle him. He's a bit of a mouthy thing when he's not happy. I'm fairly certain he's going to tell them exactly how he's feeling. I know when he was at the animal hospital they said when he wasn't sleeping he was talking....the entire time. I think they were glad to be rid of him!  The fun part today is going to be getting Sam in his harness and out the door without Jasper and Nikki trying to get out the door. Its supposed to be another scorcher, and I dont want my kids out if they dont have to be.  Especially Nikki. she doesn't do weather too well in her old age. It probably doesn't help that I have turned her into such a princess.

I have 2 good size bowls of green beans that I need to get prepped for either canning of freezing. I'm not sure yet which. I know I need to hurry up and make a decision. I dont know how to use the pressure cooker, and Frank is at work, so i'll probably end up freezing the first batch. Thats the only thing I can think to do since I need to do something with them ASAP.

Well I guess I should get off of here, as its 6:30 AM, and Sam has to be at the groomers by 9:30. I need to start getting myself together, and all that good stuff.  Everybody have a great mond

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Doesn't feel like Wednesday

Wow, for some reason, it doesn't really feel like it should be Weds just yet. maybe its because Frank was off the last 2 days and they just kind of flew by, or maybe its because he pretty much so slept most of Monday away because of working the night shift, and then getting himself turned around on Tuesday, either way, its Weds!

Well, we got the first part of our Worm Farm set up. Right now we have the Canadian Night Crawlers all set up, and in a nice dark corner. I thought that I was going to put them outside, but it turns out that they do not handle heat well, so, they will be hear in the house.  That doesn't really bother me because they dont have a smell to them or anything. When I checked on them this morning to make sure they were alright and didn't die from the shock of going from a small container into a nice roomy one with lots and lots of food to eat, and poop, and make little worm Babies in, I found that not only were they very active, but some of them made their way on top of the news paper in there and were indeed making little worm babies. YAY!!! (somehow Worm sex does not really look all that

We have our containers ready for the red wigglers once they arrive. We ordered some of them to be delivered. Much easier than trying to dig them up. We ordered 2 packs with 1800 worms in each of them, so I need to go and get 3 more containers. 2 of them will be because we will need 2 seperate wiggler habitats, and the other will be extra for when we have to swap the worms out to harvest their poo. ( I like to call it black gold! LOL) The exciting part is, the Reds will eat their weight in food, so we have about 2 pounds of reds coming, so that means they will eat 2 pounds of food a day, (not that hard to feed them either) and will poop about 2 pounds of food a day, which means we will maybe be able to harvest once a week, we'll have to see I guess.  In my head I have big plans for our worm farm, but in reality I know its not going to work that way! Its always more fun to dream and plan big in your head than what the reality of things are!!!

Since the worm farming doesn't take up that much time, it still leaves lots of time for crocheting. That means that I got 3 more sets of the hat and diapers finished last night. I started on a red set this morning, but probably wont get it done until later because I had to start washing bed lennons so that I can get them out on the line, and back in this evening, AND I'm going out with my mom today. Really I'd rather just go back to bed for a while, but I don't see that happening.

Well thats about all of my excitment for today! I just need to remember to take my cards for  so that I can share them around.  In fact, I'm going to put them in my line of site so that I do not forget them! I keep them on the table, but somehow our kitchen table has kind of turned into a drop all!!! LOL...well have a great day everybody!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The hubby and I are going to start our very own worm farm! Its going to be great...were not going to make a fortune off of it, but its going to be enough to maintain it anyways.  Were going to do red wrigglers, and night crawlers.  I dont see us getting enough night crawlers this year to sell, but hopefully by next summer. I'm going to buy about a dozen or two to get them started. 

Well, I dont know what I did, but yesterday I did something to my hip that just hurt like mad. It started when I stepped out of the shower, it just feels like its going to give out, and its insane!!!
Its not bothered me yet this morning, but I haven't been up for too long, and have been afraid to move around too much.

I guess I had better close this up for the moment, as I need to start getting my list of things together for the farm! LOL

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Delights

Well its Sunday morning, I cant believe I'm up so early, but when you have dogs sometimes its expected! I'm still waiting on my husband to get home from work. If he's not home in the next 10 minutes I'm going to call him to make sure he's alright. He worked the night shift, and has technically been off from work for 1 hour and 40 minutes now. I hope he's not sitting down there just chatting away, again, and not bothering to send me some kind of a message to let me know that he's going to be late.

I finished my weekend project yesterday, so I went back to work on the hats and diapers. I'm to the point now where I don't even need a pattern! I'm so proud! LOL

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So Lindsey and I have decided that we needed to take one of our 2 days off today that we use to do stuff for our charity. The two of us have been neglecting our house work..but thankfully our husbands are really good about the whole thing! :D I think I'm going to have to make my hubby a super special dinner for being such a good sport.

I'm thinking about the fact that I really do need to take a day and post some pictures of things I've been working on. I love crochet, and am glad to have that craft in my life. Its such a calming thing to do. I guess its my bad habit! LOL. As soon as I get my kitchen back in order again, I think I'm going to work on the clutter I have going on in my sewing/craft room upstairs. It really has gotten out of hand, really bad. I just kind of shove stuff in there. I may work on that some tonight. Especially since we have decided to start sewing some blankets. That and I have some sewing projects I want to work on as well.

Our cards we had made for 2comfort2hope came in the mail yesterday. They turned out beautifully. Now I just have to start distributing them. I really want this to turn out to be a great success!!!!

Well I guess I should close this up and get back to work on my kitchen so that maybe I can spend an hour working upstairs this evening.

Everybody have a great weekend!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Its kinda foggy outside this morning

Tuesday is upon us! Not such a bad thing, that means we survived Monday!!! I'm pretty sure Lindsey is glad of that ...I stopped by her office for a quick visit and to shower her an idea I had, and we managed to really turn it into something great!!!! But while I was there her phone was ringing non stop!!!! Shew...she's good with that phone!!!

Sam and Jasper are a little wound up this morning. I guess after having been inside for most of the day yesterday due to some super heavy rain, I can understand why!!! They are outside running around like maniacs!!! I love my dogs!!! I guess I should quit calling them puppies now, they are about 17 months old now, so they are pretty much so grown up, and rather large.

My hair is a lot longer than it has been in a really long time. I hate it. I'm not really a long hair kind of gal, but I don't really go anywhere, so I'm just letting it grow. I pull it back into a pony tail, or twist it up in a hair band. Its working out for me alright I guess.

Well guess I should get off of here for the time being, I need to put away a basket of laundry and do a little bit of housework!!! :D

Over and out

Monday, June 18, 2012


So, I spent the weekend working on a sleeve that goes to the sweater jacket I've been sort of working on for a long while...well...last night I'm sitting there looking at what I have done, and realized...I have been doing the increases wrong, and it was WAAAAAAAAAAY bigger than it needed to be...SO...looks like I'm going to be pulling it out to work on all over again. Its my weekend project. I figure if I just work on it on the weekends I wont get so frustrated with it. Well, I was pretty frustrated with it last night. But I'm not going to call it quites on that thing just yet. I'll pull it out Friday night and start over again. I think I need to sit down and read the instructions over again.
For now, its back to work on those adorable little comfort sets. I just finished one this morning in a blue green color. I love it! I'm working on another one in a variegated yarn right now. (well not this second obviously, but you get the point.)
Anyways, looks like its going to be a rainy inside kind of a day today. I'm glad its raining though because we need it! I want to get more raspberries, so we need it for sure! Oh, the garden needs it too. So I'm pretty glad for the rain.

When we got home yesterday from my hubby's parents house, I noticed that Nikki had actually managed to get into the pool that we have for the dogs. Poor girl...she's really stiff and sore from it. I'm not sure how she even managed to get in there as the sides are a bit high. She's curled up in my chair right now, so I'm hoping that she just kind of takes it easy today.

Sometime today I need to get to the grocery store. Need bread, and laundry soap. (now theres a combo for ya) I may not be able to go until tomorrow though. I don't like to make the dogs go out in the rain, and I'm not completely ready to leave them in the house for shopping trips. Although they do OK. I know they sleep mostly. I can always tell they have been sleeping by the way they look when I get home when I do leave them in. Its kind of cute!

ahh well guess I should get off of here and get my hooks a blazing!
Have a great Monday!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

So Excited

I'm one of those people who is connected to the Internet at all times. I have a blackberry which I totally hate because its a piece of junk. I cannot wait till its time to upgrade. I could have replaced it at any time, if I wanted to pay full price for a phone. I'd rather just upgrade so that I don't have to pay 500 bucks for a new phone! 
Anyways, last night I was watching Lifetime Movie network, and it was commercial time and I noticed that my phone was blinking letting me know that I had some kind of message or alert or notification or something, and it was i looked, and it seems that my cards for 2comfort2 hope are on their way!!! HOORAY!!! I am really excited about this, that means that things are moving along even quicker!!! So much excitement!!!
Today has been laundry and random cleaning of things day so I haven't really worked on getting anything crocheted. But I do know I need to try and work on that sweater jacket I started on over the winter. I still need to do the sleeves, and then the edging, and its done. Its really not that much, I think its just a motivational thing at this point. I got kind of bored with it because I don't really like the color as much as I did when I started it. Strawberry pink is a very pretty color but when your making a big project with it, it starts to make you think of pepto bismal after a while! LOL...I would like to have it done though before it starts cooling off. (yes I know, its just June, but in the crochet world that means almost Christmas!)
Anywho, that's about all that's going on in my world today!!!
Happy weekend everybody!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Decisions Decisions

So, yes, I know that its only June, but for a crocheter, that means its time to start thinking hard about whatever gifts you may be making for Christmas.  I have a 2 year old niece and a 7 year old nephew that are indeed brother and sister.  Faith will be 3 in October though, and is roughly the size of a 5 year old. She's not fat, she's just very tall.  In all honesty she's as smart as her brother, and it looks like she can actually write letters. (she goes to a very good day care.)

I was flipping through one of my newest crochet magazines, crochet world, and they have these adorable hoodies in there. They are actually for fall, and I guess I could make them for the start of the school season, but that would mean I would really need to get hooking quite quickly on those, but for some reason I keep thinking Christmas gifts with those. I was thinking a blue for Naason, and a pink for Faith. Not sure yet though, but I do know I need to make some decisions here soon.

My mom has been hinting that she would like for me to make her an afghan to fit her bed. I have a pattern for one, that's a rippled afghan, BUT she wouldn't be able to keep it on her bed because of her dog who gets up there and digs around, so I'm not sure what the point in making something that she wants to put on the bed, but would have to keep it up in the closet and not use would be.

Lindsey and I have been making great progress with our stash of comfort sets we have been working on. We have been working just as hard as we possibly can!!!! Thankfully though now that we have everything together, and have everything up, and have shared the site with people in crochet groups, it looks like we may be getting a bit of help. (YAY!!!) 

My 12 year old Siberian Husky Nikki has been lots of fun here lately. She's so funny. I don't know how she does it, but she will hold her bladder and not go out until she decides everything is just right for her to want to go out. Some times we have to actually go outside with her to talk her into going out. She makes my bladder hurt the way she holds hers! (whew)

Well guess I should make myself get away from this computer for a while and get some laundry or something done!!!

Happy Hooking!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Many Random things

I have so many different things that I think about during the day its not funny. Some times, my thoughts wake me up...they get so loud that its hard for me to turn them down, or to even tune them out.  Once I get a thought going, at times its hard for me to stop this thought.

I'm 32 years old, and  have been married for 7 years to a really wonderful man, who is 38. Time is not waiting for us. I had always imagined that I would be a mother by now. Unfortunately thanks to some curse, or jinx, or just whatever I'm not a mother.  I do not have that child of my own, and it does not look like I'm going to be able to be a biological mother to any child.  That thought hurts me more than anybody could ever imagine. Some times, I sit down, and I cry. I cant help but wonder why with all of the physical things my body has been through, things that are not productive or wonderful, or nice, why couldn't I have that one miracle.  But as I am getting older, and yes I know, 32 is not that old. But physically my body is closer to 45 than 32 when it comes to the way things work from the waist down. 

I have recently found out that diabetics can now adopt children. This thought makes me happier than anything. They could always adopt privately, for a very large sum of money, which is way more than what we make in a year.  But I guess due to the fact that there are so many children out that that need forever parents, they have opened it up. I have to admit though, its sad, because they allow single people, and gay people (nothing wrong with gay people, I have no problems with any of them) but they wouldn't let diabetics. Part of the problem was "something could happen, and it would leave the child with one parent" OK, whats so different about that than letting a single parent adopt, when that single parent could walk out that door and get struck by a falling asteroid and die. 
I do plan on researching my options, and maybe talking to a couple of social workers, and finding out what my options are, and how to go about the process. I don't plan on starting this process this year however, because I know that I need to start a savings account to save the money we would need for the fee's and such.

Other things that are constantly going through my head are, working on getting my crochet patterns published, cooking, cleaning, the dogs, the laundry, my mother, and is she going to make it through my brother living at home. And of course now that the regional jail is going through, what does this mean for my husbands job future. So very very many things. I think the most important thing right now is, my friend Lindsey. I worry about her very much. I worry about am I being a good enough friend, could I do more, and I really want to go and beat up all of those people who are saying mean things to her and expecting things that they shouldn't. I don't think those people have been what she has been through. I also don't think they have a filter that goes from what little bit of brains they have to their mouth.  And of course the Zombie I ready...??????

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crochet and Computers....

Who would have thought that the two could go hand in hand???? I'll bet my Grandmother who passed away a couple of years ago now never would have. She was a crocheter from way back! She was good with her hooks!!! I don't think my mother Grandmother would have either, she died in 2001, and I'm pretty sure had never ever even touched a computer.

What I love about the Internet for my crochet is all of the FREE patterns that are out there. I have three ring binders packed full of free patterns that I have printed off through the years, its awesome!!! (of course there are also tons of websites full of patterns that you can buy as well)

Lindsey and I are going to be working on all of our Internet stuff that we need to get done for the charity we are working on. Once we have that complete and running I will be linking my page to it, and it to my page. We are also going to start a facebook page for this as well. I truly believe that this is one of the most important things I have ever done in my entire life. I am 100% lucky that Lindsey let me be her partner.

I am also planning on writing some more patterns for this site as well. I love to write patterns, and this just feel so much more than right!!!! It feels perfect!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Writing reviews

So, I'm one of those people who complain because nobody around here writes reviews for local businesses online, making it impossible to find online reviews for things in this area. Well, duh...the fact that I'm complaining and haven't been writing reviews has left me realizing I'm as bad as what I'm complaining about, so I just spent the last hour going through different review sites, and writing reviews! LOL...crazy me.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Granny Square

The granny square is my favorite thing to crochet in this whole wide world. I know that sounds funny to some of you, but maybe those of you who have been crocheting for many years can understand my love for this simple square that can be used for so many things. It can be used in blankets, clothes, home decor, and for just so many things.  It can be made in many different sizes, and some even love to just make one giant square, like my pal Lindsey who has made some absolutely beautiful blankets using this technique.

But for those of you who can read patterns, here is the basic pattern. You can use any weight yarn, and any size hook, it just depends on what you want to do with it.

Here are some links to some great how to sites.

this first one has some video's for those of you who are visual learners.

and this one talks about multi colored grannies

I don't know if you guys will love the Granny as much as I do...but enjoy, and happy hooking!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Too much sleep

I have made the discovery that if I sleep over 7 hours, I wake up with a horrid headache that makes the back of my skull feel like its going to crack doesn't usually go away until about my second cup of coffee. Unfortunately this is what happened to me last night. I decided to take some night time cold medicine, and not only did I not get up with the hubby this morning, but I also did not get out of bed until after 9.  So, maybe I would do better to just not take the night time cold medicine anymore.

ANYWAYS...laundry is calling my name!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Beautiful Day today!

Today was  a pretty nice day! I didn't do much in the way of crochet, but I did do a few things. Went and checked out a new consignment shop...well its been there for a few months now, but still...I had not been there before. I got Nikki some sponge bob dvd's (yes i buy cartoons for my dog), and a pair of dress capri pants for almost nothing! I was pretty happy about that, because the ones I have now, are starting to look kind of ragged! LOL...ahhh thats the way of it.

Anyways, that was my day...smooches to all!!!