Thursday, June 21, 2012


So Lindsey and I have decided that we needed to take one of our 2 days off today that we use to do stuff for our charity. The two of us have been neglecting our house work..but thankfully our husbands are really good about the whole thing! :D I think I'm going to have to make my hubby a super special dinner for being such a good sport.

I'm thinking about the fact that I really do need to take a day and post some pictures of things I've been working on. I love crochet, and am glad to have that craft in my life. Its such a calming thing to do. I guess its my bad habit! LOL. As soon as I get my kitchen back in order again, I think I'm going to work on the clutter I have going on in my sewing/craft room upstairs. It really has gotten out of hand, really bad. I just kind of shove stuff in there. I may work on that some tonight. Especially since we have decided to start sewing some blankets. That and I have some sewing projects I want to work on as well.

Our cards we had made for 2comfort2hope came in the mail yesterday. They turned out beautifully. Now I just have to start distributing them. I really want this to turn out to be a great success!!!!

Well I guess I should close this up and get back to work on my kitchen so that maybe I can spend an hour working upstairs this evening.

Everybody have a great weekend!!!!

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