Friday, September 14, 2012

Hookin it up!

I know, I need to get some pics posted, bad girl that I am! But and this is no excuse, I've been working on some Halloween themed crochet bed doll type dolls. So far, I have done a witch dress, a pumpkin themed dress, and today, I'm going to do candy corn. Don't worry, I'm going to actually post the pics after I do this post. Promise for real for sure this time. :D

So, I was looking on the Craftsy website, where I plan to post these patterns for sale, and guess what...looks like we may have to change our pay pal account, or add a second pay pal account. That really stinks. Not too happy about that, but we will see I guess.  You have to have the kind of account that will accept credit cards from non pay pal users. Oh the fun of it all.

Frank is back on day shift this week. You can probably tell based on the early hour of this post.
So, I guess I should see what I can get done today before the day runs away from me. I want to get my housework done early, so that I can get the candy corn doll dress done, and written today and so on and so forth.

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