Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter

Its Easter weekend and I hope everybody is happy, and will be with family this Sunday. My husband and I will be with his family on Easter Sunday enjoying time well spent!!!

I've been working diligently on patterns for my doll book. I've also started patterns for a second book, but they aren't dolls, more or less big floppy stuffed animals. Yes, I'm slightly crazy for working on two different books at once, but in a way I think its easier than thinking about the patterns I want to make for this second book which come into my head and distract me so that I can barely work on the doll patterns. Although after this first sweet stuffed animal is done, I have another doll pattern that's coming in loud and clear in my head which is crammed full of yarn colors, crochet hooks, single crochets, double crochets, and in the rounds. Seeing as I'm closing in on the finish line of the doll book, I believe that its alright that these other patterns are calling out my name. :D I can't walk through the yarn isle of my local Walmart without seeing the bright wonderful colors of the red hearts and the Caron, and the lion brand without something popping into my head and wanting to come to life. Ahhh if only I had all the time in the world to work all of these wonderful creatures up. If only I was a lot faster at working these wonderful creatures up, but one day I will.

I know I promised you all a pony pattern, but unfortunately I had to give in and use a pattern somebody else has written. Its a good pattern, and I'll post the link on here this weekend.  I tried and tried, but I just couldn't hack it. Maybe one of these days I'll sit down, with no dogs, no TV, no husband just me, the yarn, the hook and some paper and pens/pencils, and I'll get it!!! But for now...its just not going to happen. Who knew that a pony could cause me so much grief???

ANYWAYS...guess I had better leave this alone for now, and try to get something accomplished today!!!
Happy Eater from my family to yours.

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