Friday, May 3, 2013

Last Night

Last night was not the best night of my life ever. All I can say is thank goodness for Jasper's vicious bark, the fact that I'm a light sleeper, and having lights situated in all the right places. Somebody tried breaking into the house last night...I really didn't sleep all that great after that either...I don't think Jasper or Sam did either, but when I woke up to my alarm clock this morning, Sam was practically sleeping on my head.

This morning, poor Nikki tried jumping up on the couch, which she was quite unsuccessful in doing. Another thankful thing is, she didn't seem to hurt herself. I told my husband he needs to keep a very close eye on her today just to make sure. Her time with us on this side of the rainbow bridge is getting shorter. It does indeed sadden me, but I know that once she crosses that rainbow bridge wearing that golden harness, she will be able to see well again, she wont have Alzheimer's, and her joints will work again. She will be young and happy.

Unfortunately I have not been able to work on anything crochet, knit, or quilted. Its just been to busy. I think though that when I do get back to it, it will be with a renewed sense of creativity...or at least I hope it

Well that's about all from here...promise it wont be so long between blog postings, and that hopefully the next one will be a bit happier!!! :D

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