Saturday, July 21, 2012


OK, I got the rippled afghan done, and delivered. Right now, I've started a round ripple afghan. I'm doing it in solid green. I think the green will match the couch. That and its been a while since I've really done anything in one solid color.

I have many things on the hook. I really need to work on finishing up the smaller ones, and the designs, and other things. I promise, I do have pictures! Its just a matter of getting them posted.  That is something I will do soon! I promise. I just need to get my pictures loaded onto the computer. Something I tend to be lazy about. But I will do it soon.

Mom and I are going out today to get the rest of the stuff we need for our quilting class we are taking. You really need a lot of stuff. I think the stuff cost more than the class! Oh well, It will be fun none the less.  And I'll end up with a full size quilt when its done. I may be able to make a bigger one if I do my assigned "homework" lol...its funny to think about homework from a craft class.

Well, I guess I should get off of here, and get myself motivated. I need to do my daily work out, and shower and dress.

Have a great weekend!!!

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