Well, this is one of those days when I think I've let everything stack up long enough because of the fact that it was so hot outside last week. Now I'm not saying I didn't do anything because of the heat, mostly it was because I couldn't let my dogs out except to potty and come back in. Its kind of hard to get things done with 3 good sized dogs in the house all at once. Here as soon as I get my next cup of coffee I'm going to start! I think the first thing I'm going to have to hit, and hit hard is that living room. It seems to have suffered greatly, between the dust, the dog hair, and just plain being lived in. (ha I guess that's why they call it the living room.) Then I know my bathroom is going to have to be hit pretty hard too. Hopefully after that my dear hubby will be home to help me with the refrigerator and the pantry. They both need a good scrub down as well. I keep telling myself if I would just keep on top of all of this to begin with it wouldn't be such a problem, or stack up on me. maybe its because I seem to have lost the want, or the need to do it. I'm not sure which yet, but its one of them. Maybe I've just gotten too comfortable with being at home all the time. Or maybe FB has sucked me in!!! LOL
Last night while watching Eureka, and then Lost girl on the SciFi channel, I made another huge dent in that afghan. It really is pretty. The part I like best about it right now, is it keeps my lap and knees warm. Yes I know its summer time, but in the evenings it gets a little chilly in here with the ac going. No complaints about that though, because I know that there are plenty of people who still use window units, or nothing at all. (those poor souls.)
After about 4 or 5 good years of service, a power surge took out our coffee pot. My hubby tore it apart and discovered that the heating switch needs to be replaced. Well we did go out and buy a new pot. He is hoping that Bunn will send him a replacement part so that he can fix the broke one. I believe he has plans for it! If I'm not mistaken I think he's hoping to be able to take it to work so that they will have a working coffee pot! (no complaints there)
I guess I had better get my cup of coffee and throw the dogs out of the house for a little while so I can get to that cleaning that so desperately needs to be done! Keep cool!!!!
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