Wednesday, November 28, 2012
I think the thing I'm most worried about, is the actual quilting part of making the quilt. I'm certain I can do it, I've been practicing, and watching video's on you tube, so I think that getting the whole thing quilted together won't be too bad.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I start today!!!!
So, I got the kitchen table cleared off, and wiped down. I'm taking a moment now to wait for the hubby to head off to work so that I can bring down the fabric, and my cutting matt, and supplies, and my iron...lots and lots and lots. I'm thinking that if I work on it every day for a week, I can have the topper complete. Then, I will once again completely clear the table, make the quilt sandwich, which is the batting, and the backing, and the topper...then I will start the long process of pinning them together and start the process of quilting it together.
I checked out a book at the library called scraptherapy...its such a neat book, full of great ideas on what to do with all of those totes of scraps!!! After the first of the year, I think I'm going to spend a few weeks, turning those totes full of scraps into usable squares. Lots and lots of squares!!! Frank has gotten me on a waiting list for the book on Amazon. I so want that book!!! I'm probably going to renew it at the library a few times! :D I totally need that book.
So wow, between crocheting, and sewing, I have a room upstairs that is full of yarn and fabric, and things!!! In all honesty, I think I need a bigger room!!! My room up there really isn't much bigger than a small bathroom. I've seen some really awesome craft rooms with these awesome shelving units. I'm planning on downsizing some of my books, and magazines though. I honestly have too many. In all honesty, some of them repeat themselves, so now is the time. I'm planning on letting some of my close crochet pals go through them once I've decided what I'm keeping. There truly are some beautiful books, but I know I'm never going to be able to use them all. My shelves are actually starting to bed from the weight of the books!!! (egads)
Well, this day isn't going to start itself!!!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving is over, and now the preperations begin!
Anyways, we spent a really wonderful day at my mother in laws. It was fantastic, and wonderful. My MIL just gets funnier and funnier. I get the biggest kick out of her when she says a cuss word. I'm pretty sure she does it for amusement.
I'm making my MIL a quilt for Christmas. I really have to get on the move...I have a lot of cutting to do...I'm certain I can get it done in time. Its just going to take me dedicating about 3 or 4 hours a day on it for the next month. I'm sure she will love it!!!!
Well, my eyes are playing a game of can't keep me I shall close this up, and maybe climb into that big warm bed of ours.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thanksgiving week
I went to walmart yesterday to get some Milk, and Cereal, and they were already playing the Christmas music. I guess thats why Thanksgiving doesn't seem like much any more. Its like the stores just over look Thanksgiving completely. They just skip it like it doesn't exist. Crazy stuff.
I got some orders for my owl hats, I'm almost done with the first one. I would probably be done with 2 of them by now, but Nikki has been having a rough couple of days, so I haven't been able to crochet as fast as I usually do.
OK, so now I have to post my sadness. iCarly is coming to an end. The last show is this Friday, and yes my hubby and I will be watching it. We are just over grown kids.
OH, by the way...HI LINDSEY!!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
another day
I've been working on a large varaitey of things for my etsy store. I'm going to be adding a bunch of stuff today. I'm going to be adding 2 new baby sets, and about a dozen new little girls dresses...oh and some owl hats!!! oh yeah!!! I'm hoping to have a third baby set, but that depends on if I can get it finished today or not. Well I know I can, its just a matter of getting the buttons for it.
This evening we have crochet with Lindsey!!! YES!!!! Well, unless something happens, which I'm hoping it doesn't because its been way way way too long, and I'm really really really wanting this to happen!!! ( doesn't take much to make me happy)
I had to change the password on my yahoo email account. A wonderful thing happened...I got hacked. UGH, thats the second time this year. I'm starting to think its not people really hacking, I'm starting to think its Yahoo sharing passwords with people for money. I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and change a bunch of passwords for safety reasons. I like to change my passwords on a regular 3 time a year basis, so its about time for me to change up my fb password anyways. The only thing I can't figure out is how to change my google password. I'm going to have to do some looking to see.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Oh the joys
So, last night I opened the front door to let Nikki out to pee. I happened to see Sam running up the hill rubBing his head and face in the ground, I was like what the like a dummy I call him to me...and tho sure enough he had gotten hit by a to the store I go...Frank was able to do Sam by himself, unfortunately I didn't get enough peroxide, so I went and got more while he did Sam.
Jasper barely got hit...some how Sam seems to be the one who gets it the worst. I think he must be leading the charge.
It took both of us to do Jasper though. That is one strong dog.
After the baths were done I scrubbed that bathroom, and washed the towels with super hot water, soap, and baking soda. In fact I've been cleaning the while house with it today.
Oh..the adventures we have.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Tonights crochet challenge
Tonight I plan on crocheting some baby Santa sets to put up for sale on my etsy site. I'm going to pop in some old movies, have some caffeine products, and hook away. I would like to get two sets done, but we will see.
I want to have more variety in my shop. Kind of have more options. So after I make the baby sets, I'm hoping to make a bunch of owl hats, and then some others that I have patterns for. I've put a lot of money into these patterns, time to put them to work.
Friday, November 9, 2012
I will!!!
There is no reason why I can't get it finished tonight, none at all....
If I don't finish it tonight, I'm going to punish myself...hmmm...what will my punishment be???
ummmm....oh I know...I won't be allowed to watch anything with Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin in it for a month if I don't finish that tonight!!!! Well...that being said, I had better get started hadn't I?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
almost there
Busy Busy Busy
Whats on your hooks?