So, I know I decided a week ago that I was going to make my MIL a quilt for Christmas...I've had the fabric, I've had the pattern, and on black Friday I got the batting and backing from our local quilt, I will start the cutting....all those little squares and triangles, and all that ironing, and sounds a lot worse than what it really is. Its kind of like putting together a giant puzzle. One that will hopefully be well received by the one who gets it, and hopefully treasured on down through the years.
So, I got the kitchen table cleared off, and wiped down. I'm taking a moment now to wait for the hubby to head off to work so that I can bring down the fabric, and my cutting matt, and supplies, and my iron...lots and lots and lots. I'm thinking that if I work on it every day for a week, I can have the topper complete. Then, I will once again completely clear the table, make the quilt sandwich, which is the batting, and the backing, and the topper...then I will start the long process of pinning them together and start the process of quilting it together.
I checked out a book at the library called scraptherapy...its such a neat book, full of great ideas on what to do with all of those totes of scraps!!! After the first of the year, I think I'm going to spend a few weeks, turning those totes full of scraps into usable squares. Lots and lots of squares!!! Frank has gotten me on a waiting list for the book on Amazon. I so want that book!!! I'm probably going to renew it at the library a few times! :D I totally need that book.
So wow, between crocheting, and sewing, I have a room upstairs that is full of yarn and fabric, and things!!! In all honesty, I think I need a bigger room!!! My room up there really isn't much bigger than a small bathroom. I've seen some really awesome craft rooms with these awesome shelving units. I'm planning on downsizing some of my books, and magazines though. I honestly have too many. In all honesty, some of them repeat themselves, so now is the time. I'm planning on letting some of my close crochet pals go through them once I've decided what I'm keeping. There truly are some beautiful books, but I know I'm never going to be able to use them all. My shelves are actually starting to bed from the weight of the books!!! (egads)
Well, this day isn't going to start itself!!!!
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