This is the week when we are supposed to be thankful for who we are, and the people in our lives. Thats awesome, but why does it have to be so close to Christmas? Ok, so maybe that sounds a little bit whiney, but I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning.
I went to walmart yesterday to get some Milk, and Cereal, and they were already playing the Christmas music. I guess thats why Thanksgiving doesn't seem like much any more. Its like the stores just over look Thanksgiving completely. They just skip it like it doesn't exist. Crazy stuff.
I got some orders for my owl hats, I'm almost done with the first one. I would probably be done with 2 of them by now, but Nikki has been having a rough couple of days, so I haven't been able to crochet as fast as I usually do.
OK, so now I have to post my sadness. iCarly is coming to an end. The last show is this Friday, and yes my hubby and I will be watching it. We are just over grown kids.
OH, by the way...HI LINDSEY!!!!
Hi! I guess iCarly is a cartoon?