Thursday, November 15, 2012

another day

Well, today is my last dentist appointment for this year!!! (oh yeah!) I'm pretty well excited about that.  I guess since I wen't through all of this, this year, if I'm a good girl, and keep it up, I won't have to deal with all this again, and my teeth will stay intact!!!

I've been working on a large varaitey of things for my etsy store. I'm going to be adding a bunch of stuff today. I'm going to be adding 2 new baby sets, and about a dozen new little girls dresses...oh and some owl hats!!! oh yeah!!! I'm hoping to have a third baby set, but that depends on if I can get it finished today or not. Well I know I can, its just a matter of getting the buttons for it.

This evening we have crochet with Lindsey!!! YES!!!! Well, unless something happens, which I'm hoping it doesn't because its been way way way too long, and I'm really really really wanting this to happen!!! ( doesn't take much to make me happy)

I had to change the password on my yahoo email account. A wonderful thing happened...I got hacked. UGH, thats the second time this year. I'm starting to think its not people really hacking, I'm starting to think its Yahoo sharing passwords with people for money. I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and change a bunch of passwords for safety reasons. I like to change my passwords on a regular 3 time a year basis, so its about time for me to change up my fb password anyways. The only thing I can't figure out is how to change my google password. I'm going to have to do some looking to see.

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