Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Oh the joys

So, last night I opened the front door to let Nikki out to pee. I happened to see Sam running up the hill rubBing his head and face in the ground, I was like what the heck...so like a dummy I call him to me...and tho sure enough he had gotten hit by a skunk..so to the store I go...Frank was able to do Sam by himself, unfortunately I didn't get enough peroxide, so I went and got more while he did Sam.
Jasper barely got hit...some how Sam seems to be the one who gets it the worst. I think he must be leading the charge.
It took both of us to do Jasper though. That is one strong dog.

After the baths were done I scrubbed that bathroom, and washed the towels with super hot water, soap, and baking soda. In fact I've been cleaning the while house with it today.
Oh..the adventures we have.

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