Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving is over, and now the preperations begin!

Well, we made it through Thanksgiving, and now the preparations for Christmas begin!!! Time to dig out the ornaments, and the tree, get the house in order, and wrap all those gifts that are piled up in the corner, for what will be 5 minutes of paper tearing madness. I can't help but wonder if the children see beyond the presents any more. I'm starting to think that its just a day for give me give me give me. I am to the point now where I wish It really was about the giving rather than the receiving, but its not.

Anyways, we spent a really wonderful day at my mother in laws. It was fantastic, and wonderful. My MIL just gets funnier and funnier. I get the biggest kick out of her when she says a cuss word. I'm pretty sure she does it for amusement.

I'm making my MIL a quilt for Christmas. I really have to get on the move...I have a lot of cutting to do...I'm certain I can get it done in time. Its just going to take me dedicating about 3 or 4 hours a day on it for the next month. I'm sure she will love it!!!!

Well, my eyes are playing a game of can't keep me I shall close this up, and maybe climb into that big warm bed of ours.

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