Monday, May 28, 2012

just a bit longer

I was going to load up the pictures and the patterns today of the baby diapers....but for some reason my lap top does not want to cooperate...SO...tomorrow some time probably while the hubby is out mowing the lawn, I'm going to go upstairs and use the main computer and load up pictures and patterns.
Seeing as I only have one follower at the moment, I'm sure its not that big of a rush.

Well for anybody who might be reading my blog other than my favorite person...I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial day.  The hubby worked last night, so he slept for most of it today, but when he got up, we went to his parents house to deliver their anniversary present. Yesterday, Sunday the 27th of May was their 50th wedding anniversary. We got them a really nice plate, its silver with their names and their wedding anniversary on it. They really  seemed to like it, which is awesome. I guess next year for my parents 30th wedding anniversary I should do something nice for them too. Not sure what yet, maybe we will get them a plate too.

Anyways, better close this up, I need to flip the burgers before they burn.

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