Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Its Wednesday!

Well, its hump day! Woooo!!! LOL OK, got that out of my system. Haven't posted anything in a while, been a bit busy getting stuff done.

I finally got my quilt topper done, my mom is coming over this morning to help me get all 3 layers pinned together. Thats going to take a while, probably about an hour, I just have to make sure to vacuum the floor really good where we are going to pin it together. I have to make it count too because my vacuum is going to die before too much longer. Its been a good Vacuum...I just hope I can find a good place to recycle it. I might see if they want it at the sew and vac to part out.

I'm going to be getting my Christmas cards out in the mail today, oh the fun of that! LOL...oh I also need to mail out my Grandma's Christmas gift...I need to make sure it makes it to California!!!

Today is crochet day with Lindsey!!! YAY!!! We've had a hard time getting together on this, but finally...I have to print out the pattern were going to use, but that will take like a whole 5 seconds.

Mom and I are going to go stocking stuffer shopping today. I already have about half of it done, we just have to get the remainder of the stuff.

Oh, and I'm learning how to do cross stitching. Not as hard as I thought it would be.

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