Monday, December 24, 2012

My day

I spent the morning in the ER, my back got so bad I had no choice at this point. They went ahead and xrayed my hips as well just to make sure. Turns out it was my sciatic nerve...but the er doctor wants me to do a follow up with the bone doctor. She was quite stressed with how bad my left hip bone looks...I'm not sure if it's getting worse, it feels like it could be, or if it was just the shock of seeing it for the first time. I'm sure that it possibly could be a shock seeing a hip bone like that on a 32 year old. I'm hoping however that with the stuff I'm on right now I'll be able to have my first full nights sleep in 5 days...I almost look like somebody beat me up with the circles under my eyes.
In the flip aside I got that quilt done.. I hope my mil loves it...I've injured myself on that quilt more than any project in the entire

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