Monday, October 8, 2012

Fresh week

So, its Monday! A Fresh week. I've got 2 patterns that I'm prepping to be posted on Craftsy, another project on the hooks that I'm working on writing, and a scarf that I'm working on finishing up for somebody else.  It looks like its going to be a busy week in the world of crochet!

Its finally cold here in the Shenandoah Valley. We had to turn the heat on Sunday Morning, and it looks like it may be on to stay! I've gotten my warmer clothes out, and in my dresser, and am ready to take on this great fall weather!!! (its what I like to refer to as hot chocolate weather!!!)

I ordered some Red Heart Holiday yarn on Saturday. I'm planning on making a Christmas tree skirt that I've made before, but not for me. This time, its for me.  I'm also planning on making some stockings in matching colors. I ordered enough extra that I'll be able to make them. If I have time this year, I may crochet a few Christmas ornaments as well. This is out of an issue of Crochet Today, that's a few years old, back when the editor was good. (I don't care for the way the magazine is now. the last 2 Christmas issues have sucked.) 

Well, guess I had better get back to my day!!!  Its early, and there is much to do!!!

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