Saturday, October 13, 2012

What a day

I got a bunch of stuff done today. I got some wip's done today, laundry, made the bed, dusted, just general daily housework. I have to wash dishes again, but that's because I'm doing some baking for tomorrow.

I'm getting reedy to start some Christmas crochet projects for here. I'm making a tree skirt, and some stockings out of the same yarn. I'm only starting now because I Nerf to take a step back from designing for a day or two so that I can come back to it with a fresh brain.  I think the big problem is I've had this Christmas project on my brain for far too long.

Nikki's meds for her joint issues got bumped up to twice a day. I can tell a little bit of a difference for now, but we will see what happens once she gets used to it. I have been trying to go out with her some to make sure she's not having any problems with her bowls. Sometimes I think I love her too much, but when a dog had been as faithful as she has, can you love too much, or can you even love them enough? That's a deep question in it's way I know, but I worry about her in her older age.

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