Friday, October 5, 2012


Its Friday, and Frank has been going to school all week for work. Thank goodness he's off this weekend. I'm ready to sleep in a day.
Right now all 3 dogs are sleeping. One on the couch, one on the chair, and one on a giant pillow on the floor. I love when they are all so sweet like that.

I think this weekend is going to be a busy one. Frank has to mow the lawn, and of course, there is always laundry, dishes, dusting, and all kinds of things to be done. I'm feeling kind of off today, but I'll get around to getting more done. So far today, I've done some dishes, picked up some stuff, and worked on my latest crochet project that's going to be posted on craftsy.

As soon as I get my current pattern done, and some other stuff that's in waiting finished, I'm going to start on my nephews Mario doll that he wants for Christmas. I'm not really looking forward to it, because I'm not sure how well it will go. I'm sure it will go fine, but this is something a little on the new side for me. I've done cartoon stuff before, and have done several dolls, but this...well lets just say, I'm going to write the pattern as I go. Wish me luck everybody!

Well looks like its time to get back to the housework!

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