Friday, October 19, 2012

Lots and loss of stuff

What a busy day we had today. First Frank and I got some apple sauce made. One of the hats didn't fill up sill the way, so I'm going to use that to make an applesauce cake tomorrow.

Then we got our red wigglers today!!! Yes, they are all alive, at least for now. We have them all set up, with some food and everything. And now, best of all, once they really start eating..we will start getting some of that most wonderful worm poop.

And finally, I finished up that baby sweater pattern I was working on, and have it in my special completion folder. That's where I put them when they are ready to be tested, and then typed, and all the stuff that comes before I post the pattern. Exciting day!!!

Frank and I wound the evening down witha movie. We watched the tooth was hilarious.

Now were going to kick back and watch another movie. Unfortunately, even though were paying money for satellite, there us never anything on.

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