Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Its kinda foggy outside this morning

Tuesday is upon us! Not such a bad thing, that means we survived Monday!!! I'm pretty sure Lindsey is glad of that ...I stopped by her office for a quick visit and to shower her an idea I had, and we managed to really turn it into something great!!!! But while I was there her phone was ringing non stop!!!! Shew...she's good with that phone!!!

Sam and Jasper are a little wound up this morning. I guess after having been inside for most of the day yesterday due to some super heavy rain, I can understand why!!! They are outside running around like maniacs!!! I love my dogs!!! I guess I should quit calling them puppies now, they are about 17 months old now, so they are pretty much so grown up, and rather large.

My hair is a lot longer than it has been in a really long time. I hate it. I'm not really a long hair kind of gal, but I don't really go anywhere, so I'm just letting it grow. I pull it back into a pony tail, or twist it up in a hair band. Its working out for me alright I guess.

Well guess I should get off of here for the time being, I need to put away a basket of laundry and do a little bit of housework!!! :D

Over and out

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