Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Best Aunt Ever

So I totally have to toot my own horn!  I am the Best Aunt Ever! I love to sew little dresses as we know...my niece has issues with things going over her head. Well, I totally took, and figured out how to put snaps on the shoulders, (OK, with the help of my hubby) and it works out great!!!!

I really do love a good challenge...its so fun!!! And here lately Walmart craft department has some adorable fabric. If I had 100 dollars to just spend, I would so buy a ton of fabric!!!! I love all the butterfly fabric, and the fabrics that are fall colored. I think I'm going to have some gorgeous dresses for my etsy store. I picked up some really cute reduced price fabrics yesterday, and I just cant wait to get started on the etsy store dresses.  That's just not going to happen today, or tomorrow, hopefully Thursday.

Tomorrow were having girls day at my MIL's house. Were going to be getting fruit ready for making Jelly.  I'm taking Nikki with me so that I can keep an eye on her. It is very possible I'm being overly protective, but I just cant help myself.

Well, guess I should see about getting some stuff done today!!! Over and out!

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