Thursday, July 5, 2012


I'm so excited! I just signed up to take my first quilting class. It lasts for 6 weeks, and is in the evening on Monday's!!! This is going to be so much fun!!! I may have to take the one that is being offered in October as well.  I want to learn how to do all of that fun awesome and wonderful stuff!!! It would be wonderful to be able to give beautiful colorful home made quilts as gifts, or to have them on the back of the couch, or hanging on the wall. To be able to create those beautiful family heirlooms would just be awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I know that you can do the same thing with crochet, it just seems like people don't seem to appreciate the work and love that goes into crochet as they do a quilt. its strange like that. Although, people will buy them all day long at thrift stores and yard sales, so at least I know people do like a good crocheted blanket.

Its going to be so hot this weekend. Its going to get up to over 100 on Saturday. I hate when its like that, but oh well what can one do except stay inside and endure it!  I'll use that time to work on my afghan some more that I desperately want to get done!!!

Well that's about it for now!!!
Peace out and Stay cool!

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