Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So, I've been having one of "those days" so far today. No not in the bad sense, just in the I went back to bed before the hubby left for work,  and slept until after 9AM, and just don't feel like doing anything today kind of days! I'm working on my coffee now, so I'm pretty sure everything will kick in here shortly.

We had the great canning experience last night! We canned some green beans, which wasn't as hard as I was thinking it would be, but probably because we only had 5 quarts worth to can rather than a whole ton like some people end up with. I am to the point right now where I'm going to have to start checking the bean plants on a daily basis though. No complaints there at all.  Its not that green beans are my favorite veggie, its just one less thing that I will have to buy this winter.

Speaking of winter, does anybody else get that dreaded feeling that its going to be a long hard winter??? I've been working on getting things in order for winter. Kind of stocking up so to speak. I'm working on buying Toilet Paper as I find it on sale, as well as canned goods, and things that wont go bad.  We are talking about buying meat on clearance so that we can can it as well. That way should we loose power we don't have to worry about it going bad in the freezer.  I don't think Walmart does reduced meat, so I will have to keep an eye on Food Lion.

Well, I guess I should close this up. Going to check FB one last time as I enjoy this coffee, and then I have to start getting myself busy!

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